The Garden of Dystopian Pleasures
@Studies in Theatre and Performance Volume 41 [Sep 2021]
In 2021, FYTA alongside Pedro de Senna and Richard Pfützenreuter published the article ‘The Garden of Dystopian Pleasures’ at the Studies in Theatre and Performance journal. This article offered a reflection on FYTA’s curation and De Senna and Pfützenreuter’s performance at ‘The Garden of Dystopian Pleasures’, a performance festival that took place at the Athens School of Fine Arts in 2018. FYTA presented their thoughts around the need to curate such an event in the first place, discussing the context within which they operate, the Athenian art scene, while making the case that ambiguity as a political and poetical tool must not be surrendered to the right. De Senna and Pfützenreuter discuss their experiences in creating and performing right-wing personas that blur the lines between what is real and what is performed; engaging in strategies of overidentification, they initiate a discussion around the ethics and role of critical artistic practice in response to contemporary right-wing radicalisation and aesthetics.